Sign In sheet for King Lear at the Union (17/2/2024 - 18/2/2024)

TechDressSat 19:00Sun 19:00
Gabriel Jones
Christian Longstaff
Isaac Allen
Caelan Landers
Soraya Shakibi
Lexie Graham
Ryan Keys
Rosalind Wippell
Elena Cormican
Finn Cullen
Lib Hinze
Adam Moore
Cerys James Batten
Helen Lyster
Daphne Stavride
Charles Wolridge Gordon
Imaan Kashim
Production Team
Sarah Fowler
Jack Marley
Luke Morris
Aaron Corcoran-Lockley
Iona Warne
Aaron Tan
Albi Rix
John Fowler
Luke Morris
Aaron Tan
Maisie Johnson
Naomi Cray
Iris Tadie
Aaron Corcoran-Lockley

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