

    Out of the Box

    14:00, Fri 6th October 2006 at King's College, Keynes Hall
    Michaelmas Week 0

    For those of you disillusioned by the lack of pirates, crones, and snail-insurance salesmen in your first lectures, Improvised Comedy Ents presents 'Out of the Box 2'. Expect hilarity. Expect confusion. Expect deeply unlikely characters in frankly implausible plots. Expect an hour of ridiculous, fast-paced comedy from Cambridge's critically acclaimed improv troupe, entirely driven by your suggestions - and those drawn from the mysterious BOX.

    The entrance fee is a mere £1, with proceeds going to charity - though in the true spirit of Improv we've neglected to choose which one to donate it to, and so will be relying on our audience to come up with a worthy cause.


    Production Team