
    I have lost myself
    By Jonathan Ben-Shaul

    21:30, Mon 7th – Wed 9th November 2016 at Corpus Playroom
    Michaelmas Week 5

    Auguste Deter is the first patient recorded to have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Before giving a diagnosis, Dr. Alzheimer recorded extensive interviews with Auguste Deter, many of which ended in her exclaiming "Oh, God!...I have lost myself, so to say"

    Modern day Britain. A man explores a dusty apartment. Each object thrusting him back into his past.

    Follow Augustus as he pieces together fragments of a life he has forgotten, a life full of love, loss and heartbreak.

    He is on a collision course with his past. If only he could just remember...


    Production Team

    Assistant Director
    Lighting Designer
    Set Designer
    Costume Designer
    Sound Designer
    Vinyl Supervisor –
    Vinyl Custodian –