
Sameera Bowers


Sameera Bowers is currently involved with

Footlights ADC Smokers 23-24 – Performer 10/10, Performer 30/1

23:00, Tue 10th October 2023 at ADC Theatre

Footlights Playroom Smokers 23-24 – Performer 21/11, Performer 23/1, Performer Pink Week , Performer 30/4

21:30, Tue 17th October 2023 at Corpus Playroom

Penelope Quadrangle and the Meaning of Friendship – Bridget

23:00, Wed 15th – Sat 18th May 2024 at ADC Theatre

Penelope Quadrangle has one best friend in the entire world: Natalie. Sure, she doesn’t talk much, or invite Penelope to her birthday drinks, and might be a serial killer, but they’ve been best friends since high school, and never quite grew out of it.

And then there’s her next-door neighbour Bridget, who insists on trying to be friends, and absolutely believes that Penelope is lonely. She’s not. In fact, she has a thriving social life which includes going on coffee dates every single week in her favourite middle-class café.

But when she personally witnesses Natalie brutally murder a client at their workplace, priority number one is make sure she isn't next. As she attempts her first ever friend break-up, conversations with Bridget begin to pick apart Penelope’s ideas on what a friend really is. Shouldn’t friends be there for one another, even if it means hiding a body? And would she frame Bridget to protect herself from her own best friend?

If Penelope is one thing, it’s loyal. (And extremely well dressed. And absolutely, definitely, not lonely.)


Sameera Bowers has been involved with