
Lady Margaret PlayersLMP

The Lady Margaret Players is the St. John’s College performing arts society. We aim to encourage all Johnians to take part in performing arts; whether that participation be acting, singing, dancing, helping backstage, designing sets, operating lighting or simply coming to watch our performances.

The Divinity School makes a wonderful performance space. Our professional lights and staging in this venue create a most atmospheric setting.

Whilst The Lady Margaret Players is committed to supporting those who wish to pursue a career within the performing arts world or take the hobby to a higher level, we are equally keen to encourage participation of those who do not have the time or desire to get involved in productions on a University wide level.

Non-Johnians are also welcome to get involved in LMP productions.

Contact Lady Margaret Players

Get involved with Lady Margaret Players shows:

No opportunities are currently being advertised - why not check out the main vacancies page?

You can also see all events that have been put on by this society.


Past shows

See all the shows this society has been previously involved in at the society history page.