

    Trial By Jury
    By Gilbert and Sullivan

    19:45, Sat 30th October – Mon 1st November 2004 at Cambridge Union Chamber
    Michaelmas Week 3 to Week 4

    The G&S Society's May Week rendition of Gilbert and Sullivan's first collaborative work reprised for three nights at the Cambridge Union!

    The supercilious Edwin has jilted poor Angelina at the altar and run off with another woman! Naturally she has him tried at the nearest court for breach of promise, with an army of ageing bridesmaids in tow. Featuring a Ruffian, a Man of Learning, a Simple-Minded Usher and as many Respectable Chaps as a maiden could want. Will the Defendent convince us of his innocence? Will Angelina get her man? And just how good is the Judge?


    Production Team