

    Dr Faustus
    By Christopher Marlowe

    23:00, Wed 18th – Sat 21st May 2005 at ADC Theatre
    Easter Week 3

    Where we are is hell, And where hell is there must we ever be’

    Bound within his mind and bored by all the knowledge he has attained, Dr Faustus is a man struggling to break free. He sells his soul to the devil and flies around the world performing tricks, whilst the other characters struggle to keep up.

    Time is running out: twenty-four years translates into the one hour that Faustus has to realise his dreams. The plot speeds up and the stage shrinks as Faustus moves towards the precipice of eternal damnation and the edge of the stage… where we sit, waiting in anticipation.

    Dr Faustus is trapped, a prisoner in this world. And his fate is a reflection of our own...


    Production Team