
    Wolfpact Theatre presents...

    By Thomas Stell

    19:30, Thu 29th November 2018 at Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
    Michaelmas Week 8

    HERMES-> brings together recent poems by Thomas Stell in a semi-theatrical context. Anecdotes from Chinese history, Classical literature and art, and Natural History, presented in free verse and taking their structure from the writer's practice of walking are inter-weaved with found text from an astronomical work and read out in a space dotted with symbolic objects that enter into a dialogue with the poems. Through these very specific objects and stories runs a theme of the starkest polarities: Hades and the upper world, life and death, the near and the far, the celestial and the biological, memory and destruction - the opposing domains over whose meeting Hermes, messenger and psychopomp, presides.


    Production Team