

    on intimacy
    By hanger

    21:00, Tue 11th June 2019 at Judith E. Wilson Drama Studio
    Easter Week 7


    What is hanger?

    We are new here.


    hanger hangs on the edge of theatre and performance art, making multi-media, immersive pieces essaying on a topic.

    Where narrative-based theatre might be said to provide audiences with things to think about, we aim to provide our audience with themes to think with.

    hanger recognises its participants (performers + audience) as artists; we like to understand and interrogate performance as content/reality, as opposed to performance as dissembling content/reality. This is performance-theatre; there are no illusions.

    Life as/is (an) art, basically.

    hanger is not a theatre collective/group - rather, it is an exhibition space for hangers and the art they(you?) put on. Like any exhibition space, hanger is also a social event, and socialising is a huge part of what we aim to do - and continue to do, post-performance.

    Be new with us.

    What is on intimacy?

    Our topic, this time, is intimacy, and how we navigate this with others, and ourselves - especially through different media. We lean into the abstract, to encourage audience connection in a more general way - a reminder that whilst we are all different in appreciable ways, there are some common themes/feelings we all occupy variously, and (if hanger does its job properly) simultaneously.

    So, on intimacy is,

    Siri's love song
    a tragedy in five acts
    a couple arguing about


    7, SEVEN A
    9, SEVEN B
    i, DAN A
    don von, DAN B


    Performance Art –
    Videoem –
    Soundscape –

    Production Team

    Producer/Co-director –
    Writer/Director –
    Costume/Publicity –
    Graphic design/Photography –
    Choreography –