

    Good Pill Hunting - The Addenbrooke's Panto

    19:30, Tue 13th – Sat 17th November 2007 at Mumford Theatre
    Michaelmas Week 6

    The Elective. A chance for medical students to roam free around the world learning medicine. It is often an exciting and ‘studious’ time for the students. But this year, for one group of elective students, the dream goes bad. The modern world has some dangerously evil people in it. None so much as the abominable MB-PhD students at Cambridge University.

    Raising money for The Oncology Unit, based at Addenbrooke's, funding support and treatment for their patients.

    Tickets available from the Mumford Box Office 0845 196 2320. Book early to avoid disappointment, especially for Friday and Saturday night performances.


    Production Team