

    The Love of Don Perlimpin and Belisa in the Garden
    By Lorca

    14:00, Tue 19th June 2007 at Homerton College
    20:30, Tue 19th June 2007 at Homerton College
    Easter May Week

    "'Yes'" "But why 'yes'?" "That's why 'yes' " "And what if I say 'no'?" What happens when a frightened old man marries a young flirtatious girl? Lorca's lesser known play 'The Love of Don Perlimpin and Belisa in the Garden' takes centre stage in the haven of Homerton College. Spanish passion infiltrates this magical fairytale, complete with flamenco dancing, puppetry and sumptuous costumes. A touchingly tender romance unfolds but all is not as it seems. Take your pick between a matinee performance from 2pm - 3pm and one from 8.30pm-9.30 at sunset, both June 19th. Let the magic begin!


    Don Perlimpin
    Belisa's mother/ Cheeky sprite
    Marcolfa/ Cheeky sprite

    Production Team

    Designer –