

    How to Disappear Completely and Never Be Found
    By Fin Kennedy

    15:30, Tue 20th – Wed 21st February 2018 at Fitzpatrick Hall
    Lent Week 5

    “When Charlie, a young executive, reaches breaking point and decides to disappear, they pay a visit to a master of the craft in a seafront fortune teller’s in Southend. Haunted by visitations from a pathologist who swears Charlie is already lying flat out on their slab, Charlie begins a nightmarish journey to the edge of existence that sees them stripped of everything that made them who they were.”


    Person 1
    Person 2
    Person 3
    Person 4
    Person 5
    Person 6
    Person 7

    Production Team

    Director and producer –
    Publicity –
    Set Designer
    Costume Designer
    Assistant director/producer – ,