
Rafael Griso Dryer


Rafael Griso Dryer is preparing for

  • Being Friends – Oliver, Associate Director

    21:30, Wed 23rd – Sat 26th October 2024 at Corpus Playroom

    “I shall tell her I met a beautiful young man lying in the grass”.

    It is 1944. Two young men meet in a Kentish field as doodlebugs whizz overhead. One is a farmer, the other an artist, but an intense…

  • The Effect – Tristan

    19:00, Tue 5th – Sat 9th November 2024 at Corpus Playroom

    Can we ever control how we feel?
    Are our feelings an emotional or physical sensation?
    Are love and sadness anything more than a chemical reaction?

    Lucy Prebble’s gripping play "The Effect" delves into…


Rafael Griso Dryer has been involved with