
The Lady Margaret Players presents...

Black is the Colour of My Soul

19:30, Tue 20th – Sat 24th August 2024 at The Courtyard Theatre, Camden
Summer Vacation

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Strong language; mature themes; physical abuse; eating disorders; mental illness; suicide; partial nudity, strobe lighting.

Mention of: suicide, sexual abuse, physical abuse, attempted murder, anti-religious sentiment

In the backdrop of an unnamed, impassive mental institution, three characters – Alpha, Beta and Gamma – are plagued by their pasts and conflicting desires to live the life they can or escape the institution at any
cost. Under the ever-watchful eye of the Doctors who supposedly treat them for their illnesses, the true reality of the institution is unveiled as the Doctors’ own sanities are called into question.
Reflecting on the abhorrent treatment of patients that has happened in asylums throughout history, this abstract play is inspired by the writings of Sarah Kane, and Fox’s “Legion”. It will take you on a stylised, visceral, yet less explicit exploration into the interactions, thoughts and deepest secrets of the so-called ‘clinically insane’.

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Doctor 1
Doctor 2

Production Team

Writer/Co-Director –
Publicity Designer