
Barash Tunahan

Junior Treasurer of Nothing (2024-25)
Nothing Rep of Nothing (2023-24)


Barash Tunahan is currently involved with

Squires – Producer, Carpenter

19:00, Tue 7th – Sat 11th May 2024 at Corpus Playroom

Before there were knights, there were idiots who thought swinging a sword and being a hero were pretty much interchangeable.

In this original quirky comedy, a group of medieval squires, led by dreamer Lance, grapple with the realities of their lowly existence. When a new squire, Phil, arrives, the group's mundane lives take an unexpected turn. Little do they know that Phil is short for Philippa, and she is running from a past that just might catch up to her.

While Phil tries to hide her identity from what is rapidly becoming the world’s most awkward love triangle, the squires get to work training for an upcoming tournament and engage in the classic debate of magic v. science. A series of disparate events, including inventing the concept of gravity (suck it da Vinci), spirals into a murder that demands an elaborate cover-up.

We are looking for a hilarious and formidable cast and crew for our Corpus run before heading to Fringe. If you are interested in being a part of our company for Cambridge, Edinburgh or both, please apply!


Barash Tunahan is preparing for

  • Being Friends – Producer

    21:30, Wed 23rd – Sat 26th October 2024 at Corpus Playroom

    “I shall tell her I met a beautiful young man lying in the grass”.

    It is 1944. Two young men meet in a Kentish field as doodlebugs whizz overhead. One is a farmer, the other an artist, but an intense…

  • Dancing at Lughnasa – Deputy Stage Manager

    19:45, Tue 29th October – Sat 2nd November 2024 at ADC Theatre

    'I want to dance, Kate. It’s the Festival of Lughnasa. I’m only thirty-five. I want to dance.'

    Welcome to the not-so-hot Summer of 1936 in Rural Donegal, Ireland. As the five Mundy sisters gather round…

  • CUADC/Footlights Pantomime 2024: Snow White – Technical Director

    19:45, Wed 27th – Sat 30th November 2024 at ADC Theatre


Barash Tunahan has been involved with