
    CAMPUS - Charity event presents...

    Scouse - The Musical
    By Rachel Nichols

    19:30, Fri 18th February 2005 at Howard Building, Downing College
    19:30, Thu 24th February 2005 at Howard Building, Downing College
    Lent Week 4 to Week 5

    Two students both studying at Trinity, In fair Cambridge where we lay our scene, From chance meeting in the library, A romance soon begins between. But with the summer break at end of term, Our pair of start-crossed lovers say good-bye, So different in background, dress and voice, It seems certain their fated love will die. In the eventful passage of their troubled love, From Cambridge to Liverpool they will travel to assuage, If you join us on the 18th Feburary, It will be the hour long traffic of our stage. and we assure, if you, with patient ears attend, Our actors will satisfy with a happy end.

    This fantastic new play will be performed for a charity night and all profits will go to CAMPUS. Campus Children's Holidays is a charity run entirely by Cambridge students which provides outdoor activity holidays for several hundred under-privileged kids from Liverpool each year. Campus legend has it that the organisation started up thirty years ago when a group of Cambridge students drove a VW bus (in typical '60's fashion) up to one of the most deprived estates in Liverpool, beeped the horn and took those kids who ran out! Nowadays things are run in a rather more systematic fashion with children being referred to us by Liverpool social services. Some of the kids come from abusive family backgrounds, some have various special needs which their parents find it hard to cope with, but many are simply victims of poverty; the only hard and fast criteria for referral to Campus is that the child would not otherwise get a holiday.



    Production Team

    Co-Director/Writer –
    Musical Director