
    Dragtime Presents: Stress Relief

    20:00, Sun 28th April 2019 at ADC Theatre (Bar)
    20:00, Sun 12th May 2019 at ADC Theatre (Bar)
    Easter Week 1 to Week 3

    Let's have a kiki
    Dragtime wanna have a kiki
    Lock the doors tight
    Let's have kiki
    We're gonna let you have it
    Let's have a kiki
    We wanna have a kiki
    Dive, turn, work
    Let's have a kiki
    We're gonna serve
    And work and turn and h-h-honey


    Persephone Porcelynn
    Lexa Stential Crisis
    Butch Sassidy
    Alma Fella
    Charlene Collins
    Ding Frisby

    Production Team

    Publicity –