
    Perfect Mendacity
    By Jason Wells

    21:30, Tue 25th – Sat 29th February 2020 at Corpus Playroom
    Lent Week 6

    A microbiologist for a defence contractor is being investigated by his employer over an incriminating memo leaked to the press. He thinks his wife may have done the whistleblowing - to protect her and himself, he must learn how to beat a lie detector. With his best friend spying on him, his wife opening old wounds and his polygraph consultant uncovering his dark secrets, he is forced down a path of paranoia and bitterness.


    Walter Kreutzer
    Samira Kreutzer
    D'Avore Peoples
    Roger Stanhope
    Dr. Doll

    Production Team

    Assistant Producer
    Publicity Manager
    Costume –
    Set Manager –
    Tech Director –