
Dragtime! presents...

Dragtime! Presents: Simply The Rest

23:00, Wed 14th – Sat 17th February 2024 at ADC Theatre
Lent Week 4

Dragtime! is back and better than ever! Welcome back your favourite drag kings, queens and inbetweens for an ecletic and high energy show which will have you rolling in the aisles. Explore life beyond the Thunderdome as our performers bring you the very best of their drag - no theme, no limitations, just a good old fashioned drag cabaret! Featuring live singing, lip sync, dance, pole dance, spoken word and more, join our private dancers as they find out what, exactly, love's got to do with it… (Disclaimer: this is not actually a Tina Turner drag tribute show but we had to call it something didn't we)

Contact organizers


Charlene Collins
Emmanuel Labour
Sexy Lady
Juno Watt
Prince Charles
Twink Again
Justa Knight

Production Team

Artistic Director –
Technical Director
Stage Manager
Lighting Designer
Sound Designer
Lighting Op –
Permanent Assistant Stage Manager – , ,
Publicity Designer
Rotating Assistant Stage Manager – ,
Lighting Op –
Additional Graphic Design –
Videographer –
Rotating Assistant Stage Manager –