
    Jellyfish Brains

    19:00, Thu 9th – Sat 11th May 2024 at Pembroke New Cellars
    Easter Week 2

    Content warning (may contain spoilers) Click to expandClick to close
    Verbal abuse, pregnancy, jump scare, discrimination, sexual content, violence.

    “I’m the silly sausage? I’m the silly sausage? In what world am I the silly sausage?”

    Come, sit, and let the dynamic and frilly Orsino and Viola bring you into their surreal, Tralfamadorian experience of love. Sometimes silly, sometimes grotesque, often filled with expletives, Jellyfish Brains is formed through a chaotic lens where beginnings and ends, the good and the bad, the erotic and the abusive all sort of squish together.

    Jellyfish Brains is a new comedy/drama written by Sarah Fowler, for all those audiences that like to squirm, laugh, and wriggle. Let’s all take the plunge together.

    Contact organizers


    Mic Man

    Production Team

    Technical Director/Sound Monkey –
    Publicity –
    Costume Designer
    Stage Manager
    Welfare Officer –