
Alex Thompson


Alex Thompson is preparing for

  • Dancing at Lughnasa – Publicity helper

    19:45, Tue 29th October – Sat 2nd November 2024 at ADC Theatre

    'I want to dance, Kate. It’s the Festival of Lughnasa. I’m only thirty-five. I want to dance.'

    Welcome to the not-so-hot Summer of 1936 in Rural Donegal, Ireland. As the five Mundy sisters gather round…

  • As You Like It – Jaques/Charles

    19:00, Tue 12th – Sat 16th November 2024 at Corpus Playroom

    'And this our life exempt from public haunt
    Finds tongues in trees, books in running brooks,
    Sermons in stones, and good in everything.’

    Rosalind and Celia have spent their childhoods telling stories,…


Alex Thompson has been involved with