

    Trouble in Tahiti
    By Leonard Bernstein

    14:00, Wed 19th June 2013 at Trinity College Chapel
    16:00, Wed 19th June 2013 at Trinity College Chapel
    Easter May Week

    Sam and Dinah, like all of their cheery suburban neighbours, appear to be happily married and lead normal lives. Follow Sam and Dinah as they live through a normal day, uncovering as we go the dark heart of Fifties America.

    Accompanied by a jazzy orchestral score and a scat trio of singers, we see the true state of the couple's life. Amidst the daily lunches and appointments are scattered lies, selfishness, sexism, and a sad recognition that life is not like an island paradise movie. Their son, Junior, seems to be unimportant, if not a mere figment of the social imagination. As their neighbours pretend that suburban life is perfect, we begin to wonder how many more marriages in fifties suburbia undergo the same process of lies and the pretence at normality. Sam and Dinah's jazzy, gossipy neighbours even have their eye on the audience.

    Set in an era of consumerism, anti-communism and the Beat generation, this opera shows us the hurdles which married life must overcome, all the while to a West Side Story-esque score. It challenges our social perceptions while offering something for everyone: whether you like Maria Callas or Michael Buble, this show will never disappoint.


    Production Team

    Associate Producer –
    Assistant Stage Manager
    Costume Designer
    AMD –
    Props and Set –
    Publicity Designer