

    By Sophia Orr

    19:00, Tue 5th – Sat 9th March 2024 at Pembroke New Cellars
    Lent Week 7

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    Family death

    "And, you know what? There will come a day when you’ve holed yourself so deep into your letters that not even we’ll be able to find your way out for you!."

    Everyone knows Jane Austen. Ever winning the race of Britain's favourite female writers, her wit and humour and wisdom in all matters of society and romance seem to know no bounds, as charisma flows from her every word.

    And everyone knows a 'Jane'. Everyone has a favourite, yet-to-be-prolific, yet-to-write-anything author, constantly struggling with writer's block, mental blocks, and the eternal romantic cockblock of 'far too high standards'.

    And everyone knows they would never want to be 'Jane'.

    Faced with constant scrutiny in the polite society of 1800s Bath and the painful flashbacks to her romantic failings, Jane begins to barricade herself into her own mind, a barricade which can only be pierced by the written word.

    Enter Emma. Emma Watson. The heroine of Jane's latest scrawlings and now also the heroine of Jane's own life.

    With Emma as her increasingly constant friend, saviour, and comforter, Jane's real, past, and fictional worlds begin to blur, and the worry grows whether she will ever find her way back to the present.

    Contact organizers


    Mrs Austen
    Mrs Leigh-Perrot
    Mr Dightley
    Mr Austen


    'Ave Maria' cantor 1 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 2 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 3 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 4 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 5 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 6 –
    'Ave Maria' cantor 7 –

    Production Team

    Director/Writer –
    Assistant Director
    Welfare Officer –
    Co-Costume Designer – ,
    Sound Designer
    Lighting Designer
    Script Editor –
    Lighting Designer
    Stage Manager
    Assistant Stage Manager
    Set Designer
    Costume Maker –
    Publicity Officer –
    Publicity Designer