
    Contingencies: Ready for Anything
    By Jonathan Neary

    23:00, Tue 31st January 2023 at ADC Theatre
    Lent Week 2

    What would you do if wolves attacked you right now as you were reading this? You'd die, probably. And you'd die thinking, 'man, if only I had planned for this'. Instead, you frittered away your time forming relationships, furthering your career, and enjoying life. Well, for one night only, Jonathan Neary takes you through his comprehensive plans for anything and everything, so that you're never caught off guard by wolves (mostly because you'll be safely indoors, planning), unprepared for a totalitarian regime, or unsure of when to time travel to. (Jonathan Neary is a Footlight and 2021 Chortle Student Awards semi-finalist if either of those seal the deal for you.)



    Production Team

    Assistant Director
    Stage Manager
    Sound Design –
    Lighting Design –
    Lighting Design –