
Emma Dinnage

CUG&SS Treasurer 2024-2025 (President 2023-2024)
CUADC Stage Managers' Rep 2024-2025

Chaperone to many many welfare plushies.
Now at 3 appearances on crutches at the ADC in one year...



Emma Dinnage is currently involved with

CAST 2024: Julius Caesar – Get-in Warrior

17:00, Wed 19th June 2024 at Trinity College Chapel

"Cry 'Havoc!' and let slip the dogs of war."

When Caesar returns triumphant to Rome, the people flood the streets in celebration. A group of educated elites are concerned by his popularity, and conspire to assassinate him. In the ensuing chaos, choosing what to believe and who to follow becomes the most important question of all.

Don't miss the home-run of this year's Cambridge America Stage Tour.


Emma Dinnage is preparing for

  • Uncle Vanya – Welfare Officer

    19:45, Tue 15th – Sat 19th October 2024 at ADC Theatre

    Uncle Vanya looks after the estate of his brother-in-law, a frustrated professor who has recently remarried. Vanya manages the books, he has essentially raised his niece and, above all, he is grumpy.…

  • The Crucible – Stage Manager

    19:30, Tue 12th – Sat 16th November 2024 at ADC Theatre

    “We are only what we always were but naked now.”

    A dramatized and partially fictionalised story of the Salem witch trials in Massachusetts in the seventeenth century. John Proctor, a farmer, and his…


Emma Dinnage has been involved with